Create a Food Delivery Android App [Source Code Included]

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Food is one of our basic needs in life. Seeing the title, you would have got the essence of what we’re going to learn today. You might be well aware of apps like Zomato and Swiggy. These are some of the trending apps which allow you to order your food online and get it delivered to your doorstep. So, through this article, we too will try to develop our food delivery app project in Android. Sounds Interesting! Let’s not waste time and straight dig into the Food Delivery App building.

About Food Delivery App:

Food Delivery App lets you order food online and get it delivered to your home. Due to the hectic schedule, we cannot cook food on time or even get tired of visiting a restaurant and then eat and come back. Instead, you could use the app to order delicious food from a variety of available dishes at your doorstep.

Features of Food Delivery App:

1. You get a home screen loaded with a variety of items that you can order.
2. You can sign into the application and select the item you wish to order.
3. You also have an admin feature where you can upload the food items along with their price.
4. Admin can upload the picture of the food item while uploading the details.
5. You have a section where you can see all your ordered items and check their status.
6. Admin can see the ordered items and can accordingly prepare and deliver to you.

The flow of the Android Food Delivery application:

To build your food delivery app, you first need to understand the layouts you need to design.

  • Welcome Screen: It will contain the title of your food delivery app and have a button to get you started.
  • Login Screen: You need to design a screen to take the user’s details and address and then allow him to access the app.
  • User Role Selection Screen: Design a screen to pick his role as admin or a general user.
  • Add Food Items Screen: Using this, the admin can select the food item picture and describe and price it.
  • Admin Ordered Items Screen: The admin can see all the made and act orders on this screen.
  • Home Screen: You need to design a home screen from where the users can see all the available food items and order them.
  • Ordered Items Screen for user: You need to show the orders of the user here.
  • Profile Screen: You need to design a profile screen to show the admin and the user details.

Along with this, you also need to build a bottom navigation bar to navigate between the Home Screen, Orders, and Profile sections.

Android Food Delivery App Project Prerequisites:

You need to know a few things before you get started with the implementation. These things will make your development part easier and will also make you understand the concepts nicely. So, below are a few of the things which are essential for building the food delivery app.

1. Android Studio and its tools
2. Firebase Recycler View
3. Android Activities and its lifecycle
4. Android Fragments
5. XML Layout designing
6. Object-Oriented Programming
7. Java or Kotlin Programming
8. Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database
9. Libraries like Picasso and Circular Image Library.

Download Food Delivery / Ordering Android App Code

Please download the source code of android food delivery or food ordering project: Food Delivery Android App Code

Description of the Android Food Delivery App Project:

As you know, you would be getting the source code along with this project. So, before actually going through the source code of the food delivery app, you truly should understand the below terms. These terms help you understand the purpose of each file and directory.

1. Manifest: The Manifest file will contain all the app permissions and declarations of the Food Delivery App.
2. Gradle: In the Gradle file, all the dependencies of libraries are present.
3. Firebase: Firebase is a cloud service provided by Google to provide authentication, real-time database, and other services to your app.
4. Main Activity: The Main Activity is the parent activity and occurs at first whenever the user starts your Food Delivery App.
5. Resources: There are several resources like colors, strings, drawable, layout, etc., present in resources that contain all the assets of your project.
6. Libraries: We have used two libraries to display the image circularly. Those libraries are Picasso and Circular Image Library.

Steps to implement the Project:

I hope you got the hang of the food delivery app and are now ready to kickstart. So, now let’s see how you can implement the food delivery app project in android in straightforward steps.

Step 1: Firstly, you need to download the “Food Delivery App” source code from the link below.

Step 2: After that, you need to extract the zip file of the food delivery application.

Step 3: Open your Android Studio and then browse the project folder and select it.

Step 4: Wait for the files to load. After that, go to Tools and then select Firebase and connect it with your project.

Step 5: Browse the following link, and then you will be redirected to your Firebase Console. Here you need to enable Firebase Authentication and also the real-time database.

Step 6: Now, add the SHA 1 key of your project in the project settings of the firebase console.

Step 7: Now, just run your Android Food Delivery App Project and notice the output.

Android Food Ordering App Output

Login Screen of Food Delivery Application

food ordering login screen

Home Screen of Food Delivery Application

food delivery home screen

Add Food Items Screen of Food Delivery Application

add food items

Ordered Items (user) Screen of Food Delivery Application

ordered items


From this article, you understood a great application called the Food Delivery Application. You saw about the features and the flow of the food delivery application. Later on, you came across the requirements you need to fulfill to develop the app. Finally, you saw an implementation demo of the app along with its source. I hope you enjoyed the application and would try to explore more such applications.

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8 Responses

  1. misganaw alene says:

    thise food order interfase is good

  2. Benjamin chikede says:

    kindly upload a video for the whole process

  3. R.JEYASEELAN says:


  4. Rutuja Anandrao Patil says:

    We can’t login successfully for the 2 page

  5. Shivani says:

    Hey, can you please give a detailed step by step to setup the firebase and database it would be very helpful!! Thank you.

  6. Jahnavi says:

    Hi, I tried running the project but its not working after the welcome page. Any insights will be helpful.

  7. Qurratulain Mughal says:

    kindly upload a video about how to run this app on our’s android

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